Failing Forward

February 28, 2014 0 Comments

As many of you may not realize, Orglamix is for the most part -- a one woman show. Aside from my virtual assistant and my husband, most day-to-day responsibilities fall on my shoulders. This means I do it all-- from updating the website, images and blog, mixing products, handling review requests, pulling and packing orders, social media and customer service. Whew! It's no wonder why there never seems to be enough hours in the day. I'm sure many small business owners out there can relate. I try and prioritize (future post idea), but my ADD and spinning mind tend to easily throw me off task. Squirrel!!!

The highlight of my day is customer service and reading your reviews -- the good -- the bad and the ugly, not so much. I thrive on making an excellent product. Customer feedback is important to me. Loads of rave reviews stream in for Orglamix every single day day. I'm blessed. I love that people appreciate my work. However, I admit if I get a negative review or complaint-- it SUCKS. It hurts. It stings. I take it personally. Why am I so defensive? It's because I've failed. I've let a customer down-- and that's hard for me to admit. I cringe. I believe that after you've released your product, you are not done. You're done when your customers are happy

I stop and ponder as I type. I teach my kids it's OK to make mistakes. I tell them mistakes are necessary to learn and grow. I believe this, yet find my own mistakes are painstakingly hard to admit and accept. I'm working on failing forward. It's a constant battle; a work in progress that's in perpetual slow motion. As I set forth, I am envisioning my mistakes as stepping stones on the path success. As I look back, I've traveled quite far. The path ahead is long and difficult, yet filled with wondrous adventure. 

Can anyone else relate?

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